the adventures and ♥'s of a young performing artist with a triple A personality, who dreams alot, is influenced by a million new things and people every day and laughs aloud at her own (pseudo-funny) jokes

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ke Nako: Soccer Fever!

A while back a fellow blogger asked me why I love South Africa and I just had so much to say. I started to sound like a walking cliche for all the "alive with possibility", "proudly South African" and "rainbow nation" adverts, but I just couldn't help it. Now is the most exciting time to be a South African!

World Cup fever has gripped SA. Everywhere I look there are cars with flags and mirrors and people wearing Bafana t-shirts. I have never seen people so proud to be South African. I am now the proud owner of a pair of Kanye West-esque sunglasses (that I previously swore I would never wear because you can barely see through them). But they have the South African flag across them so I just HAD to buy them (famous last words, I know). I also ran around town yesterday trying to find a Bafana shirt - which I now also own! And before the end of the week much more will be added to the list! Nationalism is winning! I have also seen lollipops, every different kind of accessory and chewing gum being promoted using soccer (chewing gum? really? Well I can see how it relates to Alex Fergusen! haha).

I get to see a few games live so reallllly excited about that. Only bought the tickets a few weeks ago - the result of all the relentless soccer advertising finally getting to me. It was the one with the grandad telling his grandkid that "he was there" that really did it! I so wanted to say "I was there"! hahaha! So I will be painting my face, wearing my Kanye glasses and blowing my vuvuzela (that I have yet to own) with the rest of the soccer-mad masses!

But I have to think about the implications of this for the country. We know that the 1995 Rugby World Cup brought Saffas together, and I hope this cup will do the same. I can already see it happening. Call me an optimist, but its great to see South Africans excited about the country they live in, not complaining and having a little hope!

Yours in excitement and artistry

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